Posted on 9/18/2024

Why Is My Car Leaking? Radiator Hose Hey there, Stacey here from Wayside Garage in Seaside, California! Today, we’re tackling a common car issue that could sneak up on you—a fluid leak. Specifically, we're diving into cooling system leaks, which can lead to bigger problems if not addressed. What We Found on This 2014 Hybrid C-Max One of our recent customers brought in a 2014 Hybrid C-Max with a mysterious fluid leak. After a thorough inspection, we found two leaks, but today we'll focus on the cooling system. We discovered that the radiator hoses, particularly the lower hose, were leaking. The Importance of Your Radiator Hoses Radiator hoses aren’t just small pieces of rubber. In this case, the lower radiator hose assembly was the culprit, and you can’t simply replace a section—it’s an all-in-one deal. Given the vehicle's age and ... read more
Posted on 8/22/2024

Why Is My Coolant Level Low? Understanding Your Vehicle's Cooling System If you've ever popped the hood of your car and noticed the coolant level is low, you might wonder why. The cooling system is crucial in keeping your engine from overheating, but a low coolant level could indicate a problem or just be a normal part of vehicle maintenance. Let's break down the possible reasons and what you should do about it. Understanding the Cooling System Your car's cooling system is designed to keep the engine at an optimal temperature. It circulates a mixture of water and antifreeze (coolant) through the engine to absorb heat and then releases that heat through the radiator. The coolant reservoir, often called a degas bottle, acts as an overflow tank where the coolant expands and contracts as it heats up and cools down. While this system is mostly sealed, allowing minimal evaporation, some coolant loss over time can happen. This is because t ... read more