Posted on 1/12/2023

Mouse vs Car I'd like to share with you some of the things we see going on with the cars in our community. It's that time of year again... Season of the mouse! This year it is shocking the number of cars we see that have signs of rodent's nest or rodent damage. There have been many that have extensive enough damage that we are getting the vehicle owner's insurance involved. Yes, if you have coverage, your insurance will cover rodent damage. With that being said, I would like to revisit some possible deterrents that we can all do to help keep the mice at bay. One or more of these may save you a bunch of money and a ton of heartache. Let's start with the easy one. If you live in an area that allows, popping your hood to allow extra airflow can help. Remember to close your hood before you drive off. Mice love a nice cozy area away from the wind to snuggle and create their nest. Your engine compartment is a perfect spot for them.&n ... read more