Seaside Auto Repair

Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Tag Archives: auto diagnostics

Why is My Check Engine Light On? | The Oak Tree

Why is My Check Engine Light On? | The Oak Tree

Why is My Check Engine Light On? | The Oak Tree It's a common question: "Why is my check engine light on?" At Wayside Garage, we see this issue frequently. Your car's check engine light can illuminate for various reasons, and understanding why is crucial to maintaining your vehicle's health. Understanding Your Vehicle's Diagnostics Modern cars are complex, equipped with 30 to 50 computer modules. When we perform diagnostics, we're plugging into your car's onboard diagnostic port and scanning these computers for error codes. Think of your car’s diagnostic system as an oak tree: - Diagnostic Port: The trunk, where we connect our equipment. - Computer Modules: The branches stemming from the trunk. - Subcomponents: The smaller branches and leaves. When the check engine light comes on, we identify the main "branch" causing the issue and then inspect the ... read more

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