Seaside Auto Repair

Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM


Reasons to Service Your Car in 2021

Cheers to a new year! We have been through so many challenges in the past year. One of those challenges has been lack of mobility. We Americans are resilient. We have adjusted and have found that we can still get things done with limited resources. One thing that may be suffering that we may be unaware of is our car. Like our bodies, when a car is idle many things can start to deteriorate. Most people will ask, “How can I need that service, I haven’t been driving as much?” So what happens to your car when it sits? When a vehicle sits for an extended period of time, the chemistry and structure are disrupted. Gaskets and seals become dry or brittle. Tires can become flat, brittle and the rubber starts to crack. Batteries drain, putting you in a situation of not starting when needed. Gasoline starts to gum up. Rust starts to spread and engine oil deteriorates. These are only a few examples of systems that are affected. Let’s look at gaskets and seals. Think of ... read more

Great American Road Trip for Summer 2020

Who is ready to get out and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine? ME!!! As our world opens up one of the first things that comes to mind is, “where are we going?” The real question is, “how will we get there?” Considering the precautions that we need continue to take to help stop the spread of the virus, travel by car seems to be the safest choice. The great American road trip will be the Summer of 2020 theme. Before you hit the road, there are a few things to think about and take care of to ensure that you have an enjoyable, carefree vacation. Now, I know many of you will think, these are no-brainers, but it’s always best to have checklist to make sure nothing is forgotten. Here is a short list of things to check or have checked. 1. Check for recalls. Recalls are put into place because they pose a threat to your safety or the safety of your passengers. Many vehicle manufactures used the same airbag company when they were building your cars. Check online at ... read more

The New FANTASTIC – Social Distancing and Cars

We have learned a lot over the past few months. Some things we have had to re-learn and some are pretty new to our communities. Many of them are simple things. Relearning to wash and scrub our hands for 20 seconds, I don’t know about you but, I now sing Happy Birthday to myself many times a day. Disinfecting every single surface that could possibly be touched, our grandmothers would be so proud of us. Last but not least, social distancing. Growing up with siblings, my mom preached the two foot rule. If we didn’t give each other an arms length distance and we were caught bickering or starting to pick on each other, the bunny slipper would come flying! It was my moms way of keeping us from fighting, or at least trying to do so. Who would have known that a simple skill that we were taught while young would come back to be a huge part of our lives? You’re probably thinking, what does social distancing have to do with cars? Well, for me, it has made me realize how much I ... read more

MAY 2020

The year 2020 has been, well, a roller coaster to say the least. Life will always be full of ups and downs. I have always been told that it’s how we handle our times in the valley that make us stronger. When the COVID-19 shelter in place occurred, we took a hard look at the way we operated. I mean, it’s hard to not come in close contact with someone when you are taking care of their car. After all, the best part of our industry is getting to build a relationship with YOU. This can be a little difficult without face to face contact. To keep our clients and our team safe, we started to make changes. First, we went on the hunt for sanitizing product and as so many others out there, we came up empty handed. We did some research and found that we could make our own hand sanitizer with products that we had at home. We also happened to have sanitizing wipes at home and brought them in. It started with sanitizing every surface when people entered the office. Within days, or more l ... read more

February – The love of cars

It’s February, the month devoted to love. As we make a point to show those we care for a little more love, there is a love that we have had for generations. The love of cars. I grew up around cars. I remember getting to go to the race track to watch my dad race. It is an absolute incredible experience. There is the smell of fuel and exhaust as you watch the racers line up to take their turn at getting down the quarter mile faster than the car next to them. The excitement that builds as they prep their tires for maximum contact with the track with a burnout. The smell of the tires burning and the smoke rolling out from under them as they become sticky from the friction created. It’s the anticipation as the engines rev, waiting for the lights. Watching as the yellow lights illuminate one at a time until the green light flashes and they’re off!!! Launching off of the line and barreling down the track at speeds that many of us will never experience. As they zoom past you ... read more

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